Giving to the work of God is a form of worship.  We have many ways that you can support the church financially. You can place cash or checks in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary.  Or you can set up an electronic funds transfer - just talk with Doug Round about that.  You also can give without cost to you by designating the church as the recipient of funds from King Soopers, based on a percentage of the groceries you buy there.  Ask Doug about that, too.  It's easy to set up.


Please place your cash donations in the Alms box located on the left side of the large cabinet in the fellowship area.  These funds will help those in need who come to our church (or call in) for assistance.  This is an important ministry.  Please help, if you can.

Service Signup

Check the Service Signup sheets on the whiteboard in the Fellowship area. 

It is a good way to connect and serve in the church!


Cinco de Mayo Pot Luck: Sunday, May 5th

Pentecost: Sunday, May 19th

Reoccuring Church Meetings

CCW Council Meetings

Faithful Followers

Men’s Breakfast

Other Meetings at the Church